Wednesday 28 December 2011

The best ways to get a good night sleep

Not being able to sleep can be a general disruption in your day to day activities. Lack of sleep can cause daily fatigue and lack of energy and sometimes illnesses if not properly taken care of. This is so because an adult should sleep for at least 7 to 9 hours per day. If you have trouble sleeping, here are some things to help sleep.
Limit the caffeine you take and other stimulants before going to bed. This is because they affect the nervous system and in the process make it difficult for you to sleep. Take your caffeine during the day and avoid caffeine consumption in the evening hours in order to keep it from disturbing your sleep.
If you have problems sleeping establish a sleeping routine and follow it and this will help to get you into a habit of sleep time. Routine will help your body and mind to relax and this will lead to good sleep.
Avoid napping late in the day because this can lead to lack of sleep at night. If you must take a nap, let it be earlier during the day and also let it be short. Long and late naps will make it difficult for your body and mind to get tired and sleep.
One of the best things to help you to sleep is exercise. Exercise being on a regular basis will ease your stiff joints and will make you relaxed. You should exercise during the morning hours or in the afternoons because exercising late will can bring negative effects.
A good diet will cause you to have a good night sleep. Eating meals regularly will help stabilize glucose levels. You should not take heavy meals during the night or evening because they will cause heartburn and indigestion.
Behavior therapy and relaxation techniques will help you sleep. Here you will be helped to change your behavior and thoughts that interfere with your sleep. Relaxation training will help reduce your tension and anxiety and help you have a good sleep. Meditation skills will help you to calm your body and mind and hence good sleep.
Try to reduce watching TV before bed. This has to be because consumption of electric media towards sleeping hours will cause low sleep or no sleep at all. Watching TV towards bed time will stimulate your body and mind in a different way than how they were meant to move towards sleep.
Lack of sleep is caused by a lot of things and anxiety and depression and chronic pain being some of them. With these you need to treat them and to visit a counselor. Treating underlying health conditions of sleep will cause you to even sleep like a child.
Another thing to help you sleep is sip of herbal tea that contains chamomile will automatically put you to sleep if it is taken just before going to sleep. Some people fail to sleep because the conditions of the rooms they sleep in are not favorable. Try to prepare your room and adjust the temperature. Make your room dark enough and if not try a sleeping mask, have a comfortable bed with enough bedding. There is nothing worse than not sleeping the entire night, listening to the clock tick. And knowing the following day that you will not perform to your best .

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